Hands in a heart shape holding an infinity rainbox. Underneath the words Sandra Bell ND Coach
#13 School Can’t not School Won’t

·        School can’t should be seen as a systemic issue not an individual one

·        Ironically though, the solution needs to be bespoke

·        School Can’t doesn’t just affect the child

School Can’t should be seen as a systemic issue not an individual one


School Can’t is being driven by an education system that was originally set up to teach children of the Victorian era to read and write because their parents most likely had not had the priviledge of an education. No doubt there has been a lot of progress in pedagogy since that time, but we still on the whole expect children to all learn in a very similar way and at a rate that just happens to match those they share a birth year with. It is the system that needs to change, not children who no matter how much they want to or try cannot fit their square peg into a round hole. And then there are also the children that manage to appear to fit in by shaving off their corners so they do fit, but really they too don’t fit the system.

The solution needs to be bespoke to each learner

The solution lies in systemic change, but that to be truly effective it will need to be bespoke to each learner or at the very least each type of learner. 

School Can’t doesn’t just affect the child

When School Can’t happens for a child, it is not just them that is affected. It impacts the whole family, and in particular the primary caregiver. Each school day becomes fraught – are they going to be able to go, are they not? And if they do go, will it end up being a positive for their mental health or a detriment? Will I be able to get some work done today or will they need me to be their co-regulator because they are in a state of overwhelm?



Thanks for reading. How does School Can’t affect you?

I'm here; I get you; I got you!


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